Neptune Confirmations



Voyager 2 Imaging Team atmospheric specialist, Dr. Andrew Ingersoll, announced at JPL this morning (August 29) the results of a concerted effort conducted over the past 60 days: an attempt to discover the rotation "sense" of Neptune's newly-discovered Great Dark Spot. Releasing newlyprocessed time-lapse videos finally showing the rotation, Ingersoll demonstrated that the Spot irregularly and dramatically changes shape, even as it now definitely appears to undergo an *anti-clockwise rotation* in the Neptunian southern hemisphere.

This latest discovery confirms yet *another specific Neptunian prediction*, made by Mars Mission investigators Richard C. Hoagland and Erol O. Torun, weeks prior to the Voyager Team's actual observations (see paper, in RESEARCH: MESSAGE). Because of the physics of its location in the southern hemisphere, its counter-clockwise-rotation elegantly confirms that the Great Dark Spot must an "upwelling" and an "atmospheric high" in Neptune's atmosphere, "like Jupiter's Great Red Spot," said Ingersoll. Hoagland and Torun made the identical comparison in their own work.

The three previously successful Hoagland and Torun "Neptune predictions" have been based on their interpretations of a set of "Cydonia equations": geometric and mathematical relationships they've discovered linking a set of "anomalous surface features" in the "Cydonia region" of the planet Mars, which they have been interpreting as "an intelligently-designed mathematical message, possibly relating to planetary physics." Todays confirmation is the fourth successful prediction based on the "Message of Cydonia," specifically related to the deep-seated "energy upwellings" (such as Neptune's GDS) Hoagland and Torun have now discovered on almost all the planets (and their major satellites) that spacecraft have now visited.

The last major "upwelling prediction" derived directly from the Cydonia mathematics -- that the pattern of major volcanos found by Voyager 2 on Triton, Neptune's major moon, will also conform to the "embedded tetrahedral geometry" that seems to determine the location of the Great Dark Spot on Neptune, beginning at 19.5 degrees North and South latitude on Triton -- is still awaiting confirmation.



Voyager 2 spacecraft scientists finally announced this morning a key parameter of Neptune's overall magnetic field. Dr. Norman Ness, Principle Investigator for Voyager's Magnetometer Experiment, described the field's critical "dipole orientation" in these words:

"The magnetic field of Neptune is like Jupiter; goes into the south pole, out the north pole -- OPPOSITE the Earth."

Dr. Ness' statement, following the highly-successful fy-by of the planet last night, strikingly confirmed a third, specific *pre-Encounter* geophysical prediction made for Neptune this week -- published two weeks ago in a technical paper available electronically here on CIS (see MESSAG.RSH), and on the Mars Mission Bulletin Board, by Mars Mission investigators Richard C. Hoagland and Erol O. Torun. Their "Neptune polarity prediction" was that "the field will be opposite the Earth's." In NASA's entire thirty years of prior planetary observations, the space agency has never officially ventured a pre-encounter prediction of a magnetic field polarity, let alone a successful prediction.

The Hoagland/Torun confirmation was based on a remarkable "geometric message" they believe they have "partially 'decoded" on the surface of the planet Mars" -- a series of specific geometrical relationships and constants formed between equally-geometric "anomalous landforms" in a northern Martian desert called "Cydonia." The "message" unfolds into a specific geodetic pattern on a variety of planetary objects in the solar sustem: the precise latitude of the most massive "terrestrial planet" volcanos, and "gas giant" atmospheric vortices -- including Jupiter's longenigmatic Great Red Spot, and Neptune's newly-recognized mystifying counterpart, both at 19.5 degrees South. A search for the crucial *physics * underlying this currently inexplicable multi-planet "energy pattern," resulted in today's successful Neptune magnetic field prediction.



As noted in the press release covering our "message" Paper (see Bulletin 5), Erol Torun and I have sent copies of the paper (see RESEARCH "MESSAGE") to a number of scientists in a variety of disciplines, seeking feedback and guidance in this difficult investigation. One of those we asked for input was Dr. James Warwick, Principle Investigator for the Voyager Planetary Radio Astronomy Experiment aboard both spacecraft -- not the least, because of his heavy, direct involvement with determination of Neptune's magnetic field, an essential element in our discussion. Dr. Warwick's announcement via JPL within the last few days -- re his initial detection of radio emission from the planet Neptune, signifying that it HAS a magnetic field -- is very timely. For, within the same 24-hour period, we received a lengthy response, via U.S. Mail, from Dr. Warwick on our own research. Because of the technical nature of many of his comments and lack

of space, we present here only his overall conclusions -- Richard C. Hoagland.


5475 Western Avenue

Boulder, CO 80301

12 August 1989

Dear Richard,

As I promised . . . here are my notes RE your and Torun's discussion of

'The "Message of Cydonia"'. I have attempted to tell you exactly how I

feel about it, both good and bad.

I find that the implications of Cydonia for solar system phenomena and

unified field theory are consistant with your belief that the structures in Cydonia are intelligently-designed artifacts. That is, if one supposes

that a superintelligence is behind the face on Mars, I find it not unreasonable to draw the further conclusion you have done . . .

It was especially useful for me to have the illustrations of your paper compactly in one place (Figures 1 through 5).

Since you stress the importance of tetrahedral geometry, it is important

that I look at your references, especially Porteous. I have unfortunately

not looked that up, nor have I found Sirag, in Nature, 1979. These efforts

in scholarly research will have to wait until I return from Tokyo next

month. My time seems to have completely evaporated in the face of the heat being generated by the Neptune encounter less than two weeks from now.

Let me give you my comments essentially page by page as I read the TS, and then conclude with my final understanding of the gestalt of the paper . . . [detailed comments, and discussion of a variety of technical issues raised, then follows].

My concern still remains with your interpretation of the face as an

artifact. The point is that better views, or at least different views, of

it are essential to straighten out the rest of the world, or at least allow them to say "I told you so," if that is indeed what the further results indicate. You agree with that, I agree with that, and now, apparently,

NASA agrees with that . . . your message has finally gotten across . . .

Sincerely yours,




One of the confusions re our Cydonia "predictions" has come from *how* we're making the "predictions" in the first place. Developments at JPL today we hope will clear this up. The Cydonia "tetrahedral" geometry we've found on Mars has specifically pointed us toward planetary surface "disturbances" that overwhelmingly take place (on NASA images across the solar system) very close to ONE SPECIFIC LATITUDE -- 19.5 North or South. One key example cited in the Paper is Jupiter's Great Red Spot, at

approximately 20 S. Torun and Hoagland, after learning of Voyager's observation of a "suspicious" great atmospheric disturbance seen on Neptune (from over 40 million miles away), immediately realized that -- if Cydonia was "right" regarding Jupiter -- the Neptune "Great Dark Spot" should be THE SAME SIZE, relative to the planet, AS JUPITERS GREAT RED SPOT, and, IT SHOULD LIE AT ESSENTIALLY THE SAME LATITUDE on Neptune. And they specifically predicted this in their "Cydonia Message" Paper (see RESEARCH - MESSAGE).

At yesterday's JPL Voyager Briefing, the following was *officially* announced:

"Voyager 2 photographs of the planet [Neptune] show a dynamic, constantly changing atmosphere with large and small 'spots' reminiscent of the atmosphere of Jupiter. The largest, called the 'Great Dark Spot' by mission scientists, reminds them of the Great Red Spot on Jupiter.

'It is about the same proportion to the planet's size [*confirming* Hoagland and Torun's first critical prediction]; it is at the same latitude [second * crucial* confirmation], and it may be slightly redder than Neptune,' said Dr. Bradford A. Smith, Voyager imaging team leader.

[Source: JPL Voyager Mission Briefing, Aug 21, 1989]

So, it's now on to Neptune's *magnetic field parameters* (which we won't learn about until Aug 24-25) . . . and "Cydonia's" additional predictions.


=====[ Bulletins available include ]=======

1 - Introduction to THE MARS MISSION.

2 - LATEST Voyager discoveries & Scientists comments on our predictions. 3 - Overview of recent developments.

4 - Listing and status of present projects.

5 - Future plans and events.

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