79947 AP-WY--SpaceStructur AP-RG LOCAL NEWS RUSH 280 09/04 5:17 PM

AP-WY--Space Structures (SUBS) (7940v0wy-nnr014NY)

SUBS last graf to correct that conference won't deal with ...


] Wyoming News ]


Meeting Scheduled to Discuss Possibility of Celestial Structures


(CODY, Wyoming) _ An eclectic group of scientists, engineers and philosophers has scheduled a meeting in Wyoming to discuss the chance that aliens may have erected structures on the moon and on Mars.

While conference organizers say they recognize they may be the target of cynicism, they also say their opinions deserve as much credit as other scientific hypotheses.

The conference takes place in Cody from September 14th to the 18th.

Cody rancher Tom Fell helped organize the conference. He says that while filming a documentary last year, he and his wife met Richard Hoagland and asked him to speak at local schools. Hoagland is one of the chief proponents of the idea that there may be artificial structures on Mars and the moon.

Eventually, Hoagland and others who share his interests decided a gathering in Cody would be a good forum for them to meet for the first time.

The Cody and Powell school districts have agreed to support the conference. Programs involving students have been scheduled at the schools, along with an open discussion involving the public on September 17th.

Conference organizers dismiss criticism that the conference will deal with U-F-Os and recent Elvis sightings.

AP-NY-09-04-94 1717EDT


78701 AM-WY--SpaceStructur AP-RG LOCAL NEWS RUSH 500 09/04 2:03 PM

AM-WY--Space Structures, Bjt,500 (0235w0wy--nr014NY)


Meeting Scheduled to Discuss Possibility of Celestial Structures

CODY, Wyo. (AP) _ E.T. build home.

An eclectic group of scientists, engineers and philosophers has scheduled a meeting here to discuss the possibility that structures may have been erected on the moon and on Mars by extraterrestrial beings.

While conference organizers say they recognize they may be the target of cynicism, they also say their opinions deserve as much credit as other scientific hypotheses.

``Much of the attitude of the high priesthood of science has been, `It can't be; therefore, we're not going to believe any of this,''' said Eugene Mallove, a former chief science writer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The conference Sept. 14-18 ``will be a time to put forth some very extraordinary ideas, which nonetheless deserve attention, far from the madding crowd.''

The group also will discuss cold fusion, a controversial energy source Mallove said is ``the beginning of the end of the fossil-fuel age.''

Cody rancher Tom Fell, who helped organize the conference, said while filming a documentary last year, he and his wife met Richard Hoagland and asked him to speak at local schools. Hoagland is one of the chief proponents of the idea that there may be artificial structures on Mars and the moon.

Eventually, Hoagland and others who share his interests decided a gathering in Cody would provide a good forum for them to meet for the first time.

The Cody and Powell school districts have agreed to support the conference. Programs involving students have been scheduled at the schools, along with an open discussion involving the public on Sept. 17.

``This was an opportunity for them to bring these ideas out into the public in a non-confrontational way,'' Fell said, dismissing criticism that the conference, titled, ``The Moon/Mars Conference/Agenda for Decision,'' will deal with UFOs and recent Elvis sightings.

``These are very credible scientists who have ideas that may depart from the norm, but they want their ideas to get a fair hearing,'' Fell said.

Participants in the conference have acknowledged there is no positive evidence of artificial structures on Mars and the moon. But they say some odd-looking formations have been sighted and deserve a closer look.

On Mars, proponents point mainly to a region called Cydonia, where photographs taken by spacecraft appear to show a structure some say resembles a human face. Some also say one pyramid-shaped structure and road-type features could be relics of an ancient city.

On the moon, some suggest two towers and a feature that some say resembles an abandoned city merit serious study.

``If we saw these kind of structures on Earth, we would say, `It must be some ancient civilization,''' said Michael Zimmerman, a Tulane University philosophy professor. ``But because it's on Mars, we dismiss it and say, `It just can't be.'''

AP-NY-09-04-94 1403EDT


78383 AP-WY--SpaceStructur AP-RG LOCAL NEWS RUSH 267 09/04 1:14 PM

AP-WY--Space Structures (new) (7934v0wy-nnr014NY)


] Wyoming News ]


Meeting Scheduled to Discuss Possibility of Celestial Structures


(CODY, Wyoming) _ An eclectic group of scientists, engineers and philosophers has scheduled a meeting in Wyoming to discuss the chance that aliens may hae erected structures on the moon and on Mars.

While conference organizers say they recognize they may be the target of cynicism, they also say their opinions deserve as much credit as other scientific hypotheses.

The conference takes place in Cody from September 14th to the 18th.

Cody rancher Tom Fell helped organize the conference. He says that while filming a documentary last year, he and his wife met Richard Hoagland and asked him to speak at local schools. Hoagland is one of the chief proponents of the idea that there may be artificial structures on Mars and the moon.

Eventually, Hoagland and others who share his interests decided a gathering in Cody would be a good forum for them to meet for the first time.

The Cody and Powell school districts have agreed to support the conference. Programs involving students have been scheduled at the schools, along with an open discussion involving the public on September 17th.

The conference will also deal with such topics as cold fusion, U-F-Os and Elvis sightings.

AP-NY-09-04-94 1314EDT